Monday, April 13

Chewy Oatmeal Cookies

Today's cookies help me accomplish two different goals.

1.) Find a great CHEWY oatmeal cookie recipe for husband. Oatmeal cookies are his favorite, particularly the chewy kind. I've tried out several recipes in the past but they haven't met with success.

2.) Deliver baked goods to our new neighbors. We live in a good Southern neighborhood, which means you are honorably obliged to introduce yourself to new neighbors, and most often it is done with baked goods and  phone numbers in hand.

This is how we were greeted almost four years ago when we moved in. My how time flies. Out of the seven places we've lived in 12 years time, this place is our favorite and the easiest to really feel at home with great friends and neighbors. It's the longest we've lived anywhere. And honestly I'm quite happy about it. I think southern living suits me.

I discovered a blog that has quickly become a favorite. Two Peas & Their Pod. The recipes look fantabulous! And from the success I've had with these oatmeal cookies I'll definitely be back to try out other recipes.

Thursday, February 12

Chinese Hot Pot

What's the best way to celebrate Chinese New Year?? 


1. Spend it with good friends who lived in China and embraced the local foods like you. And if you don't have that, close family and friends that embrace adventure.

2. Find a great international or Asian grocery store so that you can purchase the right food.
*This is probably one of the key points to send your celebration over the top.

3. Dress in red and/or wear new clothes. Red scares away the evil spirits. Wearing something new symbolizes having more than enough for the new year. Doing this will start your year off right. But don't wash your hair and don't clean your house that day. Washing your hair will wash away your good luck. Cleaning your house will also clean away all your good luck.

And when you have all three what better way to celebrate than with a hot pot!

First off a trip to the international market is in order. As you walk in that uncomfortable-not-sure-what-the-smell-is-but-it's-definitely-not-Krogers smell hits you in the face, confirming that you have indeed found the right place.  

This place is so authentic it even had chicken feet. (We declined from purchasing them.)

Monday, December 8

Advent Calendars, Toddler Trees & Elves

One of my besties launched a storm of debate when she proposed the simple question on Facebook: Do I Elf on the Shelf or not? People passionately wrote profoundly about their position using exclamations, capitals and pictures.


Parenting in this age is crazy!!  ...And I'm sure my Mom said the same thing when I was only a wee thing. And she was right. But this time it is my turn, and for different reasons.

Pinterest is both a blessing and a curse. 

I love to search on Pinterest for fun crafty, witty parenting things, foodie things, or whatnot. Being fabulous is so much easier when you can borrow fun ideas and inspiration from others.

But CURSES! It sure can make you feel like you're not doing enough! 

My child is TWO. It's time for us to begin molding our Christmas traditions. With so much craziness going on during Christmas I've had to draw a line to keep my sanity in check.

Elf on the Shelf: 

NO. Perhaps when she is older we can create silly scenes for the elf together. But the Elf will never be "magical" in my house. I know me. Throughout the whole season he'd probably only be in about four different poses... maybe five.

Wednesday, September 10

Pumpkin Blondies

With the first football weekends complete and the cooler weather (this week at least), I'm in the mood for PUMPKIN!!

....honestly it's my favorite time of the year. It's also when I traditionally start fixing my signature pumpkin blondies.

Seriously don't they look ahmahzing!!!

I can't take credit for the recipe. It's directly from Martha Stewart from a few years ago.

Wednesday, August 13

Lotus Root Chips

Clearly our eyes were bigger than our stomachs last weekend. We have lots of ingredients left over from our Hot Pot.

One of my favorite Hot Pot ingredients is lotus root.

It soaks up all the yummy flavors and yet stays crunchy. We were thrilled the first time we found it at the Asian grocery store but were then disappointed when we discovered during dinner that it was crazy salty.

This time we wised up (thank you Husband) and soaked it in water prior to serving. 

But now we have lots of it in the house...

Using the principle that all root veggies are fab when roasted, that's my plan of action. Lotus root are very similar to potatoes. 

Step one: pat them dry.