I absolutely adore how the nursery turned out. And the best part is that I believe Kennedy does as well.
She is always happy in her room. I think it must be due to the color scheme.
SW6854-Impatient Pink |
The beautiful impatient pink accent wall glows in the room. But the three gray walls tone it down so that the pink isn't obnoxious. (Colors are from Sherman Williams.)
SW6002-Essential Gray |
The Crib is the Cape Cod Crib from Buy Buy Baby in a French White. The nursery is a small room, so I went with a crib + changing table to conserve on space.
The poka dot bedding and owl mobile are from Pottery Barn Kids.
Another favorite part of the room is the rocking chair. The chair is from the Sherrill furniture manufacturer from Hickory, NC. I love the fuchsia hounds-tooth fabric. The chair itself is quite comfortable. I've can attest to that after already spending several nights asleep after a nursing in that chair.
Also pictured is a bookcase from Pottery Barn Kids and the circular gray rug found on Overstock.com. The rug was the last piece of this room to come together and caused lots of drama. The first rug I bought was quite expensive and a pink & cream patterned color scheme. While beautiful, that rug detracted from the pink accent wall. Then once the chair arrived I came to the conclusion that only a gray rug would work. This one feels great on my bare feet in the middle of the night.
The Small Details:
To the right of the door is a picture frame my SIL gave us. I will be filling it with little toes and fingers.
Here's another pic of the whole room together.
...and behind those double doors is her closet.
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