Thursday, February 12

Chinese Hot Pot

What's the best way to celebrate Chinese New Year?? 


1. Spend it with good friends who lived in China and embraced the local foods like you. And if you don't have that, close family and friends that embrace adventure.

2. Find a great international or Asian grocery store so that you can purchase the right food.
*This is probably one of the key points to send your celebration over the top.

3. Dress in red and/or wear new clothes. Red scares away the evil spirits. Wearing something new symbolizes having more than enough for the new year. Doing this will start your year off right. But don't wash your hair and don't clean your house that day. Washing your hair will wash away your good luck. Cleaning your house will also clean away all your good luck.

And when you have all three what better way to celebrate than with a hot pot!

First off a trip to the international market is in order. As you walk in that uncomfortable-not-sure-what-the-smell-is-but-it's-definitely-not-Krogers smell hits you in the face, confirming that you have indeed found the right place.  

This place is so authentic it even had chicken feet. (We declined from purchasing them.)