Our Miracle

It's taken us a very long time, 7 years, to get to this point. Three miscarriages, periods of infertility, and numerous unsuccessful natural fertilizations. That's why I'm referring to her as our miracle.
The Lord has His own plans for our lives. It's our job to believe and keep faith.

We first learned of our new addition on Feb 1, the day before our 10th Anniversary. We've kept it pretty quiet until after the first trimester. And since then we've only slowly begun telling people as we get more confident.

I wrote in my journal that day to help process what is happening. Here's a portion of my entry:

I had several ultrasounds the first trimester, just to reassure me that everything was still going well. Here's a photo from the second ultrasound at 8 weeks.
I averaged a trip to the doctor about every week and a half to either get more pictures or at least hear her heart beat.

Questions from First Trimester

Sleep? Potty breaks around 2am. I'm having a hard time sleeping on my left side. In past I ALWAYS slept on my right side.
Best Moment in the First Trimester? When I realized that we were going to make it to the second trimester. I started to relax a little bit more into this pregnancy.
Miss Anything? Sushi!!!! Beer Tastings
Movement? No
Food Cravings? None
Anything making you queasy or sick? I never had morning sickness although I never really felt fabulous either. I did figure out that leftover foods with strong scents made my stomach uneasy. I loved eating the strong smelling food the first time around, but couldn't handle the smell the second time as it was re-heated.
Have you started to show yet? No, but I had to run to Victoria Secret to buy bigger bras.
Moody? Not really

And now that we're caught up...

Here are the regular weekly posts: 
18 Weeks                    30 Weeks
19 Weeks                    31 Weeks
20 Weeks                    32 Weeks
21 Weeks                    33 Weeks
22 Weeks                    34 Weeks
23 Weeks                    35 Weeks
24 Weeks                    36 Weeks
25 Weeks                    37 Weeks
26 Weeks                    38 Weeks
                            27 Weeks                           
                            28 Weeks                           
                            29 Weeks                           

And now introducing Kennedy Marie

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