Friday, May 18

19 Weeks

I've started planning the nursery. I'm pretty sure we're going with a vibrant pink and gray color combination. My inspiration for this look comes from here and here. But before I finalize paint I think I should find crib bedding. Then I can match up the paint to the fabric. Sounds like a good idea anyway.

I love this bedding set, but not sure I want to spend that much money on it. I'm debating pulling out my sewing machine and dusting off the cobwebs. But since I haven't sewed in too-many-years-to-count I'm not sure bedding is the place to start.

This week marks the anatomy scan. We both got a clean bill of health. She is growing perfectly.
How far along?  19 weeks  

Total Weight Gained?  4 pounds (officially documented at dr office today). I am on the lower end of the expected weight gain charts which is fabulous news. Only 5 months after she is born I'll need to be "beach ready" for my brother's wedding.  
Maternity Clothes?  Yes, and let me say, WOW, I should have bought maternity pants sooner. I feel SO much more comfortable.    
Stretch Marks?  No
Sleep?  Still fine    
Best Moment the Week?  Today's ultrasound. I got to see her moving and sucking her thumb.    
Miss anything?  Fixing a nice cocktail to savor while cleaning or cooking  
Movement? Yes, lots of flutters throughout the day   
Food Cravings? No, although on Tuesday after Lasher ate my Cupcrazed cupcake all I could think about the rest of the day was that cupcake. Luckily I waited too long and they ran out.   
Anything making you queasy or sick? No   
Have you started to show yet?  Yes, but again I think I still just look fat   
Gender?  Girl!!!
Labor Signs? No  
Belly Button – In or Out?  In 
Wedding Rings – On or Off?  On
Moody?  No. I've been pretty happy. Of course I'm still tearing up at sappy tv.
Looking Forward To…  Telling more people our news!!!  

I'll end this post with a picture from today of her cute little feet!

1 comment:

  1. Look at that foot! I can't wait to take her along for pedicures :)
