Monday, July 9

26 Weeks

Happy Independence Day Holiday! We are having a great time at Wrightsville Beach, NC with my brother and his fiancé. They live right on the water which means that we have been relaxing and enjoying the water all week long. I love it! It has been a nice little vacay for Husband and I.

This week I think it's hitting us that we don't have too much time left - only a few months. We scheduled our pre-natal classes at the hospital. And with everything we have planned in the next few months, it wasn't easy to squeeze it all in. If she comes early it could get interesting. Our September is already chocked full of fun weekends with friends.

In other news the nursery has been painted Sherman- Williams Essential Gray. Next up is to determine which color of pink to paint the large accent wall. I like the gray, and it makes me feel like we are one step closer, but it definitely is not girly all by itself. Can't wait to start splashing pink around.

::disclaimer-this post was made via my iPhone. I have no idea how the formatting will look::

How far along? 26 weeks - SIX MONTHS!!!   
Total Weight Gained?  about 15 pounds. And I read that I am on the lower edge of normal weight gain, so this makes me feel better about it all.   
Maternity Clothes?   Yes
Stretch Marks?  No
Sleep? &Great this week
Best Moment the Week? Hanging out on the water. It felt great.
Miss anything? cold beer
Movement? Lots!
Food Cravings? None ~ well, maybe another salted carmel brownie from Amelie's in Charlotte...
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Have you started to show yet?  Yes   
Gender?  Girl
Labor Signs? No
Belly Button – In or Out? In 
Wedding Rings – On or Off? On
Moody? No 
Looking Forward To…  SHOPPING! cant wait to start buying things for the nursery...
Also I look forward to introducing our baby to her Aunt & Uncle. I know the five of us will have great times together; on and off the water. And if she's lucky hopefully these two will give her a little cousin after a few years...

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