Saturday, August 4

30 Weeks

Last weekend was quite possibly my favorite weekend of the whole year. We spent it with three amazing couples, plus one more on Saturday, in #PureMichigan. I could gush on and on about how much I love those guys and the great time we had... but I'll save y'all from it.

One of the couples is new parents of a 4 month old. While I tried to limit the mommy talk when around the others, Husband and I peppered them with questions all weekend long. We gleaned lots of good tips from them.

On Saturday these fabulous girlfriends surprised me with a Baby Shower Lunch. They are absolutely the best and spoiled us both. I'm not a big crowds kind of gal, so an intimate lunch with the girls was perfect. - And wow, their generosity is amazing. Plus their fashion sense rocks! I can't wait to dress our little girl in her new outfits.

Saving the Environment

One unexpected outcome from last weekend is that my girlfriend has turned us onto cloth diapers. Who would have thought that we would do cloth diapers?? But aside from the save-the-landfills, tree-hugger benefits there are the costs benefits and it's actually better for the baby's bum.

Plus cloth diapers today are nothing like what our parents used with the big safety pins. My friend's daughter was quite fashionable with all her colorful bottoms - very cute.

So now we are researching exactly which kind. I found this site titled Cloth Diapers 101 very helpful which explains the basics behind this whole movement.

To Epidural or Not

During our Childbirth Prep Class on Monday we had the joy of getting to practice breathing techniques and birthing positions. She had us squeeze ice cubes for a whole minute to sort of replicate the pain of contractions. - I always thought I was strong with a high pain tolerance but grasping the ice cubes was hard. I'm no longer confident that I can last very long without an epidural. I still plan to go as long as I can, but now I'm worried it might not be that long...

The Questions

How far along?  30 Weeks (only 10 more weeks to go... wow) 
The cake was perfect! Yummy and beautifully
decorated in exactly the right colors.
Total Weight Gained? 18 pounds    
Maternity Clothes?  Yes
Stretch Marks?  No
Sleep? Enough     
Best Moment the Week?  All of last weekend. 
Miss anything? Hiking. Afternoon weekend beers. Running. Sleeping through the night. Dirty martini's. Cute sundresses - without the baby bump. Dancing and moving around nimbly.   
Movement?  Yes - She's an acrobat. I let my girlfriends feel her move. It was the first time I've done that. I loved it! I loved seeing their excitement as they felt her dancing around.   
Food Cravings? Sweets, milk   
Anything making you queasy or sick? No    
Have you started to show yet?  Yes   
Gender?  Girl
Labor Signs? No
Belly Button – In or Out?  Half & half  
Wedding Rings – On or Off?  Wearing anniversary band on wedding ring finger.
Moody?  No - although I've lost my patience with salesmen who ring my doorbell during the day while I'm trying to work. I've been telling them all (from the Jehovah Witness to Pest Control Salesmen) to leave me the heck alone because I'm pregnant, I'm hot, and I don't want to deal with whatever they are peddling.
Looking Forward To… Little Rascal is the cutest baby. Can't wait for our two little girls to meet and play together.       

Car Seat Decisions

This weekend we plan to get some more important big purchases like the carseat + stroller. While I really like this car seat from JJ Cole it doesn't come with just a frame stroller. We'd have to buy this stroller. And while that stroller is pretty darn cool, ultimately I think we are leaning towards one of the REI 3-wheel strollers. So, I don't believe it makes sense (or cents) to purchase this cool JJ Cole one just because we want a frame stroller for the car seat. 

Instead I am leaning towards the Chicco Keyfit or the Gracco Snugride. Either seem good. We'll go to the store this weekend and pick the one that feels right.

Thank you ladies!! You're the best!! xoxo

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