Wednesday, October 3

39 Weeks - 2 Days

I'm changing my posts to Tuesday/Wednesday since her official due date falls on a Monday. If we're lucky there won't be but one more post until her debut.

To do this week: 
1. Wash her clothes. Sunday night I took off all the tags. That took much longer than expected. - As of Wednesday morning I am just finishing up the blankets. Going to start washing "stripping" the cloth diapers.
2. Pack my hospital bag. I know some mamas have this thing taken care of weeks ago, but I've known she isn't coming early so I haven't been in a rush to do it. But now I think it's time. - Started
3. Install the carseat. - No progress. It's still loosely hanging out in my back seat.
4. It's October first, which means time to get out the Fall and Halloween decorations. - Done
5. Finish decorating the nursery. Buy shelves and organize. - In progress

I think I have a workable list. Not too overwhelming. Aside from my list of to-do's this week is also MY prep week. In Shanghai there was a term for a housewife who does not work and has housekeepers and nannies and can be spotted shopping, spaing, lunching with other ladies or helping with charities: Tai Tai. One thing I learned from Tai Tai life in Shanghai is that looking the part is important. So I'm getting my hair highlighted, a pedicure and a shellac manicure. I need to be picture ready!