Friday, September 28

38 Weeks

Does it seem like it's been a long week? It sure does to me. Perhaps that's because all of my "fun September weekends" are over. And now I have nothing to distract me from just waiting. I'm near the home stretch, but last weekend feels like it was forever ago.

Our house was full with 2 couples. My brother & his fiance and my college bestie & her husband who I also went to college with. (As hard as I try I still have that bad Missouri grammar-ism to end sentences with prepositions...) Everyone was in town for the Missouri - South Carolina football game. Now that Mizzou joined the SEC this annual game could become a fun tradition. Even though the visitor seats were in the direct sun, which was blaring at about 115 degrees (or so it felt), we all stayed hydrated and had a great time...even with the outcome.
Tailgating before the football game. One little Gamecock amongst the Tiger fans. -Of course her team won, so don't
feel bad for her.

Monday, September 24

37 Weeks

****** Meant to get this up on Friday. The weekend was just too awesome. *****

Yay! I'm 37 weeks, technically full term. But I'm pretty darn sure she is not coming early. So I still have 3+ weeks to get all those little things, or big things, I need. 

This also marks week 2 of my cold. I hate feeling under the weather. It's gone from just-slightly-irritating to don't-want-to-leave-my-bed to just-feeling-plain-yucky. We have guests arriving later today. I'm not 100% yet, so I'll still take it easy, but I'm feeling a lot more human than I did on Monday. And I can't wait to see them! 

How far along?  37 weeks  
Total Weight Gained? 28 pounds    
Maternity Clothes?   Yes - but a lot don't quite fit anymore. I'm large.
Stretch Marks?  No  (happy dance while fingers are still crossed)
Sleep? My cold has made sleeping even more of a pain     
Best Moment the Week? For as miserable as I've felt this week I've also had a lot of great moments. 
Grove Park Inn & Spa in Asheville, NC

Friday, September 14

36 Weeks

I'm officially a month away!!! I'm so excited for this little girl!!!

~~~~~~~ Ok, so I just broke a very big rule in writing, which is to not overuse exclamation points... but I can't help it. I'm already so in love with her!!! ~~~~~~~ 

This week at my doctor's visit they did an ultrasound. Yay! I've been wanting more recent pictures for awhile now. The last pictures we had were around 19 weeks.  Unfortunately she wasn't cooperating on Tuesday. Her hands and feet were in front of her face the whole time. Only one quick, cute picture of her face but several of her feet.

Friday, September 7

35 Weeks

My Virgin Reese's Martini from Jen's & Friends. A bar
in Savannah that serves over 100 creative martini's
Last weekend was incredible. Savannah is such a charming Southern city. Husband and I had a great time exploring it with four friends. There was a lot of walking, but we usually made frequent bar stops where I would sit and drink lots of water. I felt great all weekend long. There will be a post coming soon with more details about our adventures.

Nursery update: The rocking chair arrived!! I love it. It is comfortable and very pink. Pictures coming soon. It looks great in the room. Now it's time for me to stop procrastinating and finish the final details of the room.

How far along?  35 weeks. Only FIVE weeks left!!! I finally filled out my birth plan this week and picked a pediatrician. It's starting to hit me that everything is just around the corner.

People keep asking if I'm going to have a natural birth. And in my opinion, unless you have a c-section, it's all natural and part of the bigger design. Now what they are really asking I know is if I am going to have an epidural or not. And really, what is the fascination with this question??? What does it matter? Here are my thoughts on the subject:
                    - Childbirth hurts. There is a reason it's called labor pain
                    - An epidural does not hurt the baby
                    - Everyone has different pain tolerances
                    - Science & medicine continually advance for a reason - to make life better
                    - I'm happy I live in an age where there are options
With that being said I will go as long as I want without an epidural, because I'm crazy like that, but will get one when I feel it is needed.