Tuesday, April 24

Jalapeno, Ginger & Green Onion Crusted Pork Loin with Mashed Sweet Potatoes

The husband fixed this amazing dinner for us the other night. It truly was a master piece. The Pork Tenderloin recipe comes from Bobby Flay's Grilling For Life cookbook. And for once we pretty much followed the recipe word for word. - This is a rarity for him.

Thursday, April 19

Strawberry Lemonade Muffins

My favorite season of the year is Strawberry Season. And every time I go to the market I can't help myself but buy too many. Today marks week 3 of od'ing on strawberries. I've started to slow down in my constant consumption. It's time to start getting creative with them before they go bad. To that end I found several great strawberry recipes in this month's issue of Southern Living magazine.

This recipe uses only a few ingredients and marks my first time using self-rising flour. The whole thing came together quickly and was a success. It's definitely a recipe to tuck away to use again.

Wednesday, April 18

Kitchen Sink Make-Over

So I did it! Ok, not really me, but I can take credit as the instigator or project manager. You know that list that everyone has, at least I do, of small home improvement projects that you want to accomplish throughout the year to spruce up your house a bit? Mines not super long. 

Number one on my list is changing the brassy doorknobs and hinges throughout the house. This ones a big job. And I'm not sure yet how to tackle the hinges. Can I just paint them? Or do I have to replace them which will be quite a big job? Or can I leave them all ugly brassy?