Tuesday, January 14

Party Banner

Moms can easily go overboard these days with kid birthdays. I remember my young birthdays: Mom bought a cake mix and made cupcakes iced with store bought icing and brought them to my class. Then the party was at a roller rink. No loot bags, no over the top decorated food and dessert tables. Maybe just balloons and if the party was at home, streamers. I think I turned out fabulous. I definitely don't feel less deprived or loved any less or anything.

It didn't take me long to settle on a theme for Little k's first birthday. I wanted small, intimate family celebration...       with champagne of course...
and a pink tutu
and pearls...
oh, and she had two parties...

Although I nearly gave into the pressures a week before and went all pintrest-crazy I maintained my sanity. I limited myself to one pintrest project.

The Party Banner

WARNING: This project, while simple, is deceivingly time consuming. I still haven't figured out why or how but once you begin hours will magically dissipate.

Thursday, January 9

Roasted Red Pepper Soup with Parmesan Crisps

Only three posts in 2013? Really?!?! Guess the motherhood thing rocked my world a bit.
I vow to be better in 2014 - for my own sanity.

It's time to return to this blog and continue doing what I love doing. Talking about food, talking about travel, planing parties, and whatever home projects I can squeeze in there with a crazy 1-year old running around.

To kick it off I'm sharing another one of Husband's trademark dishes. If you come over and he fixes this, he is trying to impress.