Friday, August 31

34 Weeks

Our 2 black cats have been especially needy and loving this week. It's been going on for a while. It's driving me crazy. I'm a little worried that once the baby comes Merrick will be even worse. She already meows at me demanding to be held periodically. I worry that once the baby comes whenever my arms are free Merrick will be there demanding to be held. She's quite persistent.

Here they are sharing a box. One of the few times they weren't fighting over my lap.

I have started thinking about Halloween. Mostly because I'm in the home stretch, but also because everywhere you go you see Halloween decorations. She'll be itty bitty, so I'm not taking her around. Although my friends that live close by are requesting our appearance. And any costume will make adorable newborn Halloween pictures. So I went to Etsy to look at options. So many options. I'm not really sure what I'm feeling. Do we get a cute crochet animal cap & diaper cover like an owl or a black cat? Or something more traditional like a witch, ghost or pumpkin? Do I go for one of the onesies? Or I saw a really cute minnie mouse. I'm just not sure what type of look I want to go for. And then how much do I really want to spend on an outfit that will be worn once and photographed? Of course the cute caps could be worn again...

Wednesday, August 29

Nutty Pumpkin Muffins

As far as muffins go, I feel that this one is pretty healthy while still being delicious. Pumpkin is a super food. I then throw in ground flax seed, walnuts, a banana (if I have it), and use half whole wheat flour.

Lately I have been eating larger breakfasts. Which is good, because large dinners tend to lead to heartburn. So some eggs and one (or two) pumpkin muffins seem to hit the spot.

Sunday, August 26

33 Weeks

My nesting instincts are starting to kick in. I look at random closets in the house and think about how I should reorganize them. The laundry room and pantry don't escape from this level of critique either. I still have about 2 months, and yet I'm getting worried that I've been to laid back about getting everything. So this week I created an online list on Amazon of all the little things we will need to get for her (a registry). The list feels overwhelming, and yet mostly it's just the little things. Of course the little things add up. We've already got the most important things, the car seat and the crib. But I look at her closet and wonder how many clothes I need and then all the other stuff, like bottles. Do I get those now or wait and see which type of bottle she likes best??

Husband spotted the Yellow
Submarine in Liverpool

Husband has been gone this week again. This time he is in England. I feel bad for him and all the back-to-back international trips he is having to make now. He is trying to get them out of the way before she arrives.

Thursday, August 23

Test Kitchen - Latino Grill

Saturday night's masterpiece dinner started like most, with a simple morning text between Husband and another friend. 
"Hey Man, why don't we grill tonight?" 
"Sounds good. What do you want to grill?" 
"We need a theme." 
"Let me look at a few books and I'll get back to you with ideas."

The inspiration for this meal came from the cookbook, Douglas Rodriguez's Latin Flavors on the Grill.

From the Coast of Latin America


Honey, Lime & Rum Glazed Shrimp
Prosciutto Wrapped Honeyed Figs
Chili Lime Grilled Cantaloupe
(paired with Reposados)


Grilled Mahi Mahi with Chipolte Mayonnaise
with Roasted Vegetables
(paired with a large selection of wines)


Chilled Watermelon & Peach Soup

Monday, August 20

32 Weeks

~~ A few disclaimers ~~ This post is going up late, sorry. Also, not sure what is happening with the spacing & formatting this week. I got tired of fighting with it and just posted as is. ~~~

Husband has been in Argentina this week, but comes home today (Friday). Can't wait. ~~~

Since my last round of purchases I've taken everything out. Washed it and/or assembled it. Unfortunately this means I've firmly decided that the pastel pink rug must go and the bed skirt needs a little enhancement. I've also started shopping for the chandelier.

Saturday, August 11

31 Weeks

Hayley Owl Mobile
Our babies new crib mobile

Hello fatigue! Yes, I've been reintroduced to this friend from my first trimester. Afternoon naps and early bedtimes are my thing.

This week we toured the Maternity Center at the hospital. It is fairly new and very nice looking. The suites are designed for everything from labor, delivery to recovery. They seem pretty cool. I'll stay there for two nights after a normal delivery (or 48 hours for c-section). It comes with a big Jacuzzi tub which I hope to enjoy either before or after. And our baby will stay with us in the room.

Tuesday, August 7

S'mores Bars

You're going to love this recipe. It is incredibly yummy, rich and easy to whip up. I cut my pieces small because it is so rich. Besides I find that people, especially ladies, are more apt to have a piece when it's "only a small bite". Of course with these silly bars they are so addicting it's hard not to go back for another and another.


In a large bowl cream together butter & sugar until light.
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar

Beat in egg and vanilla. 
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract

In a small bowl whisk dry ingredients together. 
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt 

Saturday, August 4

30 Weeks

Last weekend was quite possibly my favorite weekend of the whole year. We spent it with three amazing couples, plus one more on Saturday, in #PureMichigan. I could gush on and on about how much I love those guys and the great time we had... but I'll save y'all from it.

One of the couples is new parents of a 4 month old. While I tried to limit the mommy talk when around the others, Husband and I peppered them with questions all weekend long. We gleaned lots of good tips from them.

On Saturday these fabulous girlfriends surprised me with a Baby Shower Lunch. They are absolutely the best and spoiled us both. I'm not a big crowds kind of gal, so an intimate lunch with the girls was perfect. - And wow, their generosity is amazing. Plus their fashion sense rocks! I can't wait to dress our little girl in her new outfits.

Saving the Environment

One unexpected outcome from last weekend is that my girlfriend has turned us onto cloth diapers. Who would have thought that we would do cloth diapers?? But aside from the save-the-landfills, tree-hugger benefits there are the costs benefits and it's actually better for the baby's bum.