Tuesday, June 26

Hummus Variations

Hummus has become one of my go-to recipes. So much so that I don't even use a recipe. -shocking for me I know!
My food processor is one of
my favorite items in my

I eat it mostly in wraps. I'll shmear some hummus on a whole-wheat tortilla wrap and pile in some veggies or left over roasted chicken and whoa la! I have a great, nutritious lunch. 

Basic Hummus Recipe:

1 can chickpeas - drain & rinse, but save some of the liquid
~ 3 garlic cloves
~1/4 cup tahini - I use one heaping spoonful
juice from one lemon
olive oil - start with about 4 tablespoons then add more until consistency is correct
ground cumin - to taste, about a teaspoon I think
salt & pepper - to taste

Throw everything in a food processor. Chop until desired consistency has been reached. If too thick add more reserved chickpea liquid or olive oil.

I saw this blog which has opened up my mind to more variations of hummus beyond roasted red pepper. That blog lists 10 types, but I'm only including my top favorites.

This small stoneware pan is another favorite kitchen item.
Walnuts. Add about a cup of toasted walnuts. I just tried this one - yum. The flavor is nutty and a little crunchy. A slightly darker color. I added more liquid to balance it out.

Sriracha - We have one of these bottles at home because we sometimes cook Korean food. But we don't do it very often. Srirach has a great flavor. Adding it to hummus sounds like fun and a great use of this opened bottle. About a 1/4 cup.

Chipotle Pepper in Adobo Sauce - This is one of my newest, favorite flavors. Anytime you want to add a little kick to recipe add a chipotle pepper instead of boring jalapenos. (I make a killer dip using chipotles... I'm saving that post for a rainy day.) I'm pretty sure my next batch of hummus will include at least one chipotle pepper.

Roasted Garlic - Roasted garlic is good on pretty much everything. So why not hummus too. Take a head of garlic, chop off the top of it. Drizzle olive oil and salt & pepper. Wrap it in foil and roast in 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  

The Toasted Walnut Hummus - more brown in color than regular hummus and a little crunchy. Quite good!

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