Monday, December 31

Fast Crustless Quiche

My last post of the year highlights a recipe that comes from my mother. It is her go-to, quick & simple, use-up-leftovers recipe. I've always loved it. Blending the eggs in the blender really makes the quiche light and airy. Plus, who needs all the extra calories from a crust. This one is just as delicious without.


First butter a 10-inch pie pan or quiche pan

Sprinkle 4 oz of cheese and your main ingredients into the pan

Friday, December 7

Nursery - Finished

I absolutely adore how the nursery turned out. And the best part is that I believe Kennedy does as well. 
She is always happy in her room. I think it must be due to the color scheme. 

SW6854-Impatient Pink
The beautiful impatient pink accent wall glows in the room. But the three gray walls tone it down so that the pink isn't obnoxious. (Colors are from Sherman Williams.)
SW6002-Essential Gray

The Crib is the Cape Cod Crib from Buy Buy Baby in a French White. The nursery is a small room, so I went with a crib + changing table to conserve on space. 
The poka dot bedding and owl mobile are from Pottery Barn Kids.  

Monday, December 3

Test Kitchen - Pizzeria

~~~ After 8 wonderful weeks off, I'm back to work. This means more blog updates as well since blogging keeps me sane at work. ~~~

Are you loving this weather? Seventy degrees the first of December. -No complaints from me.

On Saturday while enjoying the December sun outside with friends and a few great beers, conversation turned towards food and our impending dinner and then, whoa la! Another test kitchen idea was born.

We all began suggesting ingredients to our two main chefs and shortly thereafter the menu was created.

Wednesday, October 3

39 Weeks - 2 Days

I'm changing my posts to Tuesday/Wednesday since her official due date falls on a Monday. If we're lucky there won't be but one more post until her debut.

To do this week: 
1. Wash her clothes. Sunday night I took off all the tags. That took much longer than expected. - As of Wednesday morning I am just finishing up the blankets. Going to start washing "stripping" the cloth diapers.
2. Pack my hospital bag. I know some mamas have this thing taken care of weeks ago, but I've known she isn't coming early so I haven't been in a rush to do it. But now I think it's time. - Started
3. Install the carseat. - No progress. It's still loosely hanging out in my back seat.
4. It's October first, which means time to get out the Fall and Halloween decorations. - Done
5. Finish decorating the nursery. Buy shelves and organize. - In progress

I think I have a workable list. Not too overwhelming. Aside from my list of to-do's this week is also MY prep week. In Shanghai there was a term for a housewife who does not work and has housekeepers and nannies and can be spotted shopping, spaing, lunching with other ladies or helping with charities: Tai Tai. One thing I learned from Tai Tai life in Shanghai is that looking the part is important. So I'm getting my hair highlighted, a pedicure and a shellac manicure. I need to be picture ready!

Friday, September 28

38 Weeks

Does it seem like it's been a long week? It sure does to me. Perhaps that's because all of my "fun September weekends" are over. And now I have nothing to distract me from just waiting. I'm near the home stretch, but last weekend feels like it was forever ago.

Our house was full with 2 couples. My brother & his fiance and my college bestie & her husband who I also went to college with. (As hard as I try I still have that bad Missouri grammar-ism to end sentences with prepositions...) Everyone was in town for the Missouri - South Carolina football game. Now that Mizzou joined the SEC this annual game could become a fun tradition. Even though the visitor seats were in the direct sun, which was blaring at about 115 degrees (or so it felt), we all stayed hydrated and had a great time...even with the outcome.
Tailgating before the football game. One little Gamecock amongst the Tiger fans. -Of course her team won, so don't
feel bad for her.

Monday, September 24

37 Weeks

****** Meant to get this up on Friday. The weekend was just too awesome. *****

Yay! I'm 37 weeks, technically full term. But I'm pretty darn sure she is not coming early. So I still have 3+ weeks to get all those little things, or big things, I need. 

This also marks week 2 of my cold. I hate feeling under the weather. It's gone from just-slightly-irritating to don't-want-to-leave-my-bed to just-feeling-plain-yucky. We have guests arriving later today. I'm not 100% yet, so I'll still take it easy, but I'm feeling a lot more human than I did on Monday. And I can't wait to see them! 

How far along?  37 weeks  
Total Weight Gained? 28 pounds    
Maternity Clothes?   Yes - but a lot don't quite fit anymore. I'm large.
Stretch Marks?  No  (happy dance while fingers are still crossed)
Sleep? My cold has made sleeping even more of a pain     
Best Moment the Week? For as miserable as I've felt this week I've also had a lot of great moments. 
Grove Park Inn & Spa in Asheville, NC

Friday, September 14

36 Weeks

I'm officially a month away!!! I'm so excited for this little girl!!!

~~~~~~~ Ok, so I just broke a very big rule in writing, which is to not overuse exclamation points... but I can't help it. I'm already so in love with her!!! ~~~~~~~ 

This week at my doctor's visit they did an ultrasound. Yay! I've been wanting more recent pictures for awhile now. The last pictures we had were around 19 weeks.  Unfortunately she wasn't cooperating on Tuesday. Her hands and feet were in front of her face the whole time. Only one quick, cute picture of her face but several of her feet.

Friday, September 7

35 Weeks

My Virgin Reese's Martini from Jen's & Friends. A bar
in Savannah that serves over 100 creative martini's
Last weekend was incredible. Savannah is such a charming Southern city. Husband and I had a great time exploring it with four friends. There was a lot of walking, but we usually made frequent bar stops where I would sit and drink lots of water. I felt great all weekend long. There will be a post coming soon with more details about our adventures.

Nursery update: The rocking chair arrived!! I love it. It is comfortable and very pink. Pictures coming soon. It looks great in the room. Now it's time for me to stop procrastinating and finish the final details of the room.

How far along?  35 weeks. Only FIVE weeks left!!! I finally filled out my birth plan this week and picked a pediatrician. It's starting to hit me that everything is just around the corner.

People keep asking if I'm going to have a natural birth. And in my opinion, unless you have a c-section, it's all natural and part of the bigger design. Now what they are really asking I know is if I am going to have an epidural or not. And really, what is the fascination with this question??? What does it matter? Here are my thoughts on the subject:
                    - Childbirth hurts. There is a reason it's called labor pain
                    - An epidural does not hurt the baby
                    - Everyone has different pain tolerances
                    - Science & medicine continually advance for a reason - to make life better
                    - I'm happy I live in an age where there are options
With that being said I will go as long as I want without an epidural, because I'm crazy like that, but will get one when I feel it is needed.

Friday, August 31

34 Weeks

Our 2 black cats have been especially needy and loving this week. It's been going on for a while. It's driving me crazy. I'm a little worried that once the baby comes Merrick will be even worse. She already meows at me demanding to be held periodically. I worry that once the baby comes whenever my arms are free Merrick will be there demanding to be held. She's quite persistent.

Here they are sharing a box. One of the few times they weren't fighting over my lap.

I have started thinking about Halloween. Mostly because I'm in the home stretch, but also because everywhere you go you see Halloween decorations. She'll be itty bitty, so I'm not taking her around. Although my friends that live close by are requesting our appearance. And any costume will make adorable newborn Halloween pictures. So I went to Etsy to look at options. So many options. I'm not really sure what I'm feeling. Do we get a cute crochet animal cap & diaper cover like an owl or a black cat? Or something more traditional like a witch, ghost or pumpkin? Do I go for one of the onesies? Or I saw a really cute minnie mouse. I'm just not sure what type of look I want to go for. And then how much do I really want to spend on an outfit that will be worn once and photographed? Of course the cute caps could be worn again...

Wednesday, August 29

Nutty Pumpkin Muffins

As far as muffins go, I feel that this one is pretty healthy while still being delicious. Pumpkin is a super food. I then throw in ground flax seed, walnuts, a banana (if I have it), and use half whole wheat flour.

Lately I have been eating larger breakfasts. Which is good, because large dinners tend to lead to heartburn. So some eggs and one (or two) pumpkin muffins seem to hit the spot.

Sunday, August 26

33 Weeks

My nesting instincts are starting to kick in. I look at random closets in the house and think about how I should reorganize them. The laundry room and pantry don't escape from this level of critique either. I still have about 2 months, and yet I'm getting worried that I've been to laid back about getting everything. So this week I created an online list on Amazon of all the little things we will need to get for her (a registry). The list feels overwhelming, and yet mostly it's just the little things. Of course the little things add up. We've already got the most important things, the car seat and the crib. But I look at her closet and wonder how many clothes I need and then all the other stuff, like bottles. Do I get those now or wait and see which type of bottle she likes best??

Husband spotted the Yellow
Submarine in Liverpool

Husband has been gone this week again. This time he is in England. I feel bad for him and all the back-to-back international trips he is having to make now. He is trying to get them out of the way before she arrives.

Thursday, August 23

Test Kitchen - Latino Grill

Saturday night's masterpiece dinner started like most, with a simple morning text between Husband and another friend. 
"Hey Man, why don't we grill tonight?" 
"Sounds good. What do you want to grill?" 
"We need a theme." 
"Let me look at a few books and I'll get back to you with ideas."

The inspiration for this meal came from the cookbook, Douglas Rodriguez's Latin Flavors on the Grill.

From the Coast of Latin America


Honey, Lime & Rum Glazed Shrimp
Prosciutto Wrapped Honeyed Figs
Chili Lime Grilled Cantaloupe
(paired with Reposados)


Grilled Mahi Mahi with Chipolte Mayonnaise
with Roasted Vegetables
(paired with a large selection of wines)


Chilled Watermelon & Peach Soup

Monday, August 20

32 Weeks

~~ A few disclaimers ~~ This post is going up late, sorry. Also, not sure what is happening with the spacing & formatting this week. I got tired of fighting with it and just posted as is. ~~~

Husband has been in Argentina this week, but comes home today (Friday). Can't wait. ~~~

Since my last round of purchases I've taken everything out. Washed it and/or assembled it. Unfortunately this means I've firmly decided that the pastel pink rug must go and the bed skirt needs a little enhancement. I've also started shopping for the chandelier.

Saturday, August 11

31 Weeks

Hayley Owl Mobile
Our babies new crib mobile

Hello fatigue! Yes, I've been reintroduced to this friend from my first trimester. Afternoon naps and early bedtimes are my thing.

This week we toured the Maternity Center at the hospital. It is fairly new and very nice looking. The suites are designed for everything from labor, delivery to recovery. They seem pretty cool. I'll stay there for two nights after a normal delivery (or 48 hours for c-section). It comes with a big Jacuzzi tub which I hope to enjoy either before or after. And our baby will stay with us in the room.

Tuesday, August 7

S'mores Bars

You're going to love this recipe. It is incredibly yummy, rich and easy to whip up. I cut my pieces small because it is so rich. Besides I find that people, especially ladies, are more apt to have a piece when it's "only a small bite". Of course with these silly bars they are so addicting it's hard not to go back for another and another.


In a large bowl cream together butter & sugar until light.
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar

Beat in egg and vanilla. 
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract

In a small bowl whisk dry ingredients together. 
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt 

Saturday, August 4

30 Weeks

Last weekend was quite possibly my favorite weekend of the whole year. We spent it with three amazing couples, plus one more on Saturday, in #PureMichigan. I could gush on and on about how much I love those guys and the great time we had... but I'll save y'all from it.

One of the couples is new parents of a 4 month old. While I tried to limit the mommy talk when around the others, Husband and I peppered them with questions all weekend long. We gleaned lots of good tips from them.

On Saturday these fabulous girlfriends surprised me with a Baby Shower Lunch. They are absolutely the best and spoiled us both. I'm not a big crowds kind of gal, so an intimate lunch with the girls was perfect. - And wow, their generosity is amazing. Plus their fashion sense rocks! I can't wait to dress our little girl in her new outfits.

Saving the Environment

One unexpected outcome from last weekend is that my girlfriend has turned us onto cloth diapers. Who would have thought that we would do cloth diapers?? But aside from the save-the-landfills, tree-hugger benefits there are the costs benefits and it's actually better for the baby's bum.

Friday, July 27

29 Weeks

Last weekend we had a great time camping in Paris Mountain State Park, SC with friends. Although it rained a bit on Friday night, we stayed mostly dry while playing dominoes until the wee hours of the night. And surprisingly I got along pretty well. I skipped out on the 10 mile hike Saturday and opted instead to finish the last book in the Hunger Games trilogy while lounging in a hammock. It was nice.

Husband builds a great fire
I'm not sure exactly why, but being in the great outdoors has always rejuvenated me. Connecting to God, connecting to nature, seeing the vast beauty and complexity of the natural world really speaks to my soul. And somehow I am able to dig deep and manage my gross fear of bugs. 

And who doesn't love evenings spent around a camp fire? Always so mesmerizing. It doesn't get much better than that.

Monday, July 23

Berry Scones with Orange Honey Butter

After getting my food processor this is one of the first recipes I made with it. I still love this recipe. It comes directly from Tyler Florence. It has become a go-to, reliable recipe for me.

The novelty of making your own butter from heavy cream with just a food processor is not lost on me. I love it. And especially love say, "Oh yes, I made this butter, would you like to try it." Honestly, there is nothing to it - but people don't realize that. It sounds quite impressive.

Orange Honey Butter 

1 qt heavy cream
zest of 1 orange
1/2 cup honey
pinch of salt

Put all in food processor and turn on high. After about 4 minutes the mixture will separate into butter solids and buttermilk. Strain the buttermilk and reserve for scone recipe. Squeeze the butter into a ball or any nice shape and refrigerate until ready to use.

Friday, July 20

28 Weeks

She received a package of beautiful homemade goodies
from Aunt Stephania including these little booties
It has been a week of shopping - and I love it! We kicked it off at a charity auction event for the Rotary. Anything that turns shopping into a competitive sport is really a bad idea for Husband and I. We're competitive people and we love to shop together. So when you combine that with a good cause we tend to walk away with lighter wallets. I'm totally thrilled about what we won (bought) from a corn hole game, private chef dinner for 8, week in the mountains, massage and even a whole bushel of peaches.

What else have we bought? We bought a crib!! We bought a great rocking chair!! I bought a bunch of goodies from Sephora!! And a ceiling fan for our bedroom. That room is always hot, so a fan and moving air should help us both sleep better. 

Funny (to me) antidote: I've been hot lately. Which isn't anything to laugh about, except in the car. Normally Husband freezes me out, but lately he's the one adjusting the air conditioning vents to bypass him and whines about it being too cold. Makes me giggle every time. 

Monday, July 16

27 Weeks

Another gift for our little girl! Uncle Jeff & Aunt Linda
gave her this beautiful set of monogrammed frames.
Whoa! Overnight I have entered a new phase of my pregnancy. I'm peeing more, eating more and sleeping less. And she is doing acrobatics... mostly off of my bladder. This week I had another doctor's appointment. It was a normal check up with more labs. The good news is that I don't have gestational diabetes.

Monday, July 9

26 Weeks

Happy Independence Day Holiday! We are having a great time at Wrightsville Beach, NC with my brother and his fiancé. They live right on the water which means that we have been relaxing and enjoying the water all week long. I love it! It has been a nice little vacay for Husband and I.

This week I think it's hitting us that we don't have too much time left - only a few months. We scheduled our pre-natal classes at the hospital. And with everything we have planned in the next few months, it wasn't easy to squeeze it all in. If she comes early it could get interesting. Our September is already chocked full of fun weekends with friends.

In other news the nursery has been painted Sherman- Williams Essential Gray. Next up is to determine which color of pink to paint the large accent wall. I like the gray, and it makes me feel like we are one step closer, but it definitely is not girly all by itself. Can't wait to start splashing pink around.

Tuesday, July 3

Peach Biscuit Cobbler

I've been talking about doing another peach dish for a while now. What has changed is that we have started getting a basket of fresh produce from a local farm each week. It is part of a Community Supported Agriculture program. It also forces us to eat produce that we may not typically grab. Last week's basket came with lots of beautiful peaches. So over the weekend I finally made Paula Deen's Peach Biscuit Cobbler.

I had planned to make it before but it took me a while to track down tapioca starch. My local grocer didn't carry it. We don't have a WholeFoods (yet) around here so I finally found it at EarthFare. I could have used a different starchy thickener... but 1.) I follow recipes and 2.) the tapioca gives the filling a shiny gloss that cornstarch (a traditional thickener) or xanthum gum (a low carb thickener) doesn't.

Instead of sprinkling a granular sugar on top of the biscuits as the recipe called for I used a sugar cinnamon mixture. 

Friday, June 29

25 Weeks

Last night I was up until midnight. What was I thinking? We were all partying like banchees. It was a good time. I like it when we party at my house. I can disappear at anytime, gather all the animals, and go to sleep. Luckily I can sleep through anything. I'm hoping our baby will be a deep sleeper too. 

Lasher is still tuckered out this morning from the late night. Of course this is no different than any other day for him. Eventually we'll begin "baby training" with Lash. We plan to try and desensitize him to the sounds of a baby crying. That should be fun times... I'm sure she has already started getting used to hearing him bark. He's not a horrible barker, but it's loud and deep. And he really hates UPS & FedEx trucks.

Tuesday, June 26

Hummus Variations

Hummus has become one of my go-to recipes. So much so that I don't even use a recipe. -shocking for me I know!
My food processor is one of
my favorite items in my

I eat it mostly in wraps. I'll shmear some hummus on a whole-wheat tortilla wrap and pile in some veggies or left over roasted chicken and whoa la! I have a great, nutritious lunch. 

Basic Hummus Recipe:

1 can chickpeas - drain & rinse, but save some of the liquid
~ 3 garlic cloves
~1/4 cup tahini - I use one heaping spoonful
juice from one lemon
olive oil - start with about 4 tablespoons then add more until consistency is correct
ground cumin - to taste, about a teaspoon I think
salt & pepper - to taste

Throw everything in a food processor. Chop until desired consistency has been reached. If too thick add more reserved chickpea liquid or olive oil.

Friday, June 22

24 Weeks

It's been a quiet week.
My uterus is the size of a soccer ball...
that's kind of crazy to think about when I
stare at my tummy.

How far along?  24 Weeks  
Total Weight Gained? 11 pounds    
Maternity Clothes?  Yes
Stretch Marks?  No
Sleep?  A few good nights but several not so good    
Best Moment the Week? Baking cookies. I was reminded of baking cookies with my Mom. I look forward to doing this with my little girl. I wonder if she will find it as comforting as I do.     
Miss anything?  Raw oysters. We went to a raw bar with friends the other night. They looked so good. I was jealous.   
Movement? Lots!!!   
Food Cravings? None, but I am having lots of cooking/baking cravings. Not sure if this is pregnancy related or just summer related. I baked several things this week and plan to continue on through the weekend. 

Tuesday, June 19

Container Gardening

Gardening. I have idyllic visions of me going to my garden and picking vegetables for an afternoon lunch; perhaps a nice tomato and basil salad. Or having so many zucchini that I'm running out of friends and neighbors to deliver homemade zucchini bread.

Yes, these are nice thoughts. Unfortunately in the past it wasn't practical to grow a garden while I traveled nearly every week for work. But things are different this summer. I no longer travel for work. My unattainable, intimidating yet very enticing garden dreams could actually come true.  -These were my plans for this summer.

Time to be like Nike and Just Do It.

Friday, June 15

23 Weeks

What a great & busy week! I had a doctor's appointment (all is well), decided upon paint, bought fabric swatches and went public on Facebook. It was a great week for our baby too. She received her first gift! Aunt B sent this adorable little Cowboys Love Bug music box.

While I don't really condone Cowboys stuff (wink wink), I know it's inevitable since husband bleeds blue & gray. And since the Cowboys have pretty colors and lots of cute stuff... it's not terrible.

We had a Sherman-Williams coupon which was just the kick I needed to decide upon the shade of gray (ha ha - no, I haven't read that book). We'll be painting 3 walls one of these colors. To be decided this weekend - presently I have big swatches painted on the walls of each color to help us decide.

And one wall pink to match the crib bedding and curtains. Perhaps something like this...
 I think the room is going to turn out great. Can't wait to get started painting...  SW6855 Dragon Fruit

Wednesday, June 13

Irish Ice Cream with English Toffee Bits

This recipe has become a trademark of my husbands. Generally he enjoys ending all of his amazing dinners with a unique ice cream, but this one, well it's truly special. 

And seriously, what's not to love when you combine Guinness and Heath Candy Bars in an ice cream. If you ask husband he'll tell you, as serious as a heart attack, that Guinness is the elixir of life and the cure to everything

The recipe is adapted from an official Guinness book: Guinness: Celebrating 250 RemarkableYears, page  104. It's a cool little book on the history of Guinness with lots of pretty pictures and a few fun recipes in the back like this one.

Monday, June 11

Fresh Peaches

Peach season has just started here in South Carolina. The local farm now has peaches in abundance.

I bought my first carton already. They are quite delicious. Now I'm looking for the right recipes to satisfy my baking "need" and my sweet tooth. I tried a Barefoot Contessa recipe for Peach Cake. Although friends  told me it was great, it was 3 am. I'm not trusting their judgement at that time of night. Personally I felt the recipe needs a little doctoring before I will be satisfied and share it with y'all.

My challenge: find my signature peach dessert recipe this summer.

Friday, June 8

22 Weeks

Future nursery
This week our baby is almost a pound and the length of a spaghetti squash. She can also hear us now.

I started preparing her room. We are changing the spare room into a nursery by moving the cats upstairs and emptying the "spare" closet which has been home to our formal dresses, tuxedo, winter coats, gloves, etc -all the things we haven't needed here.

To splurge I went for a pedicure. The funny part is that there were 3 other ladies getting pedicures - all of us pregnant. 

My goal for next week? Try to find fabric I like for crib bedding. Something similar to this: Pink and grey Suzanni Crib

Wednesday, June 6

Wall of Travel Photos

We took a lot of great photos from our time in Asia that we'd like to display somehow. I still toy with creating a photo book, but it feels like such a daunting task. - So many pictures! How do I pare it down to capture the essence of each unique experience??? I know I should just set a small goal and begin with our first adventure...
The final product - even looks professional!
Top Row:  Li River near Guilin, China;  Great Wall - JinShanLing Section; Bodhnath in Katmandu, Nepal; Prayer Wheel in Shangri-La, China; World Financial Center & Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, China;  Small Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, China.

Bottom Row:  Giant Buddha in LeShan, China;  Terracotta Soldiers in Xi'an, China; Mount Everest taken at Base camp, Tibet; An Ancient Temple discovered in the Taklamakan Desert, China; Fuji Mountain, Japan; Taj Mahal at sunset, India

Tuesday, June 5

Israeli Breakfast (Eggs in Tomatoes, Chickpeas & Feta)

Most mornings I eat Greek yogurt, berries and homemade granola. But I'm out of my granola and need to buy more oatmeal before I can whip up another batch. I tried without the granola yesterday, but it's just not the same without the crunch. So what am I in the mood for??? Well, I happened to have chickpeas and canned tomato in my pantry. And most importantly, feta cheese in the fridge. I thought of this filling Israeli recipe from a Bon Appetit, issue December 2011. I've made it once before. I love the flavors - something very different than my normal fare.

Friday, June 1

21 Weeks

Today is June 1st and week 21. Means we are officially in our 5th month of pregnancy. Crazy!?!?!!!

I bought a few things today to celebrate! Couldn't really help myself. Nothing practical. Just two things that make me smile.

I made my first purchase on Etsy at Amy's Buttons and Bows. I love her collection of headbands and ruffled bloomers. I can't wait to dress up my little girl in one of these beautiful headbands.

Wednesday, May 30

Smoky Mountain National Park

Memorial Day Weekend was spent in the great outdoors - as it should be in my opinion.

Our base camp for the long weekend was a cute creek-side cabin in Whittier, NC just outside of Bryson City.

Activities included: hiking, hiking, campfires and more hiking. 

Friday, May 25

20 Weeks

We've reached the halfway point!! Can't believe it. We've had a really good week - lots of movements. I'm slowly starting to explore baby stores to try and figure out what we really need. Earlier in the week I was a little overwhelmed by the shopping -blasphemous, I know. But since then I found a good article that can steer me towards all the newborn essentials. It seems much more manageable now. I'm still leaning towards the convertible crib with an attached changing table. We won't need a dresser for the nursery. So either I buy a changing table or change her on the floor.

I guess I'm overdue for taking and posting baby bump photos. I still think I look more fat than pregnant. But then I feel her moving around and I know it isn't so. Here you go....

Tuesday, May 22

Banana Nut Bread

Ever since a friend mentioned smelling banana bread baking in the oven, I've been scheming for the perfect morning to do so. - I finally found one.

Banana bread is one of my go-to recipes. This particular one came from a Cooking Lite magazine from the early 90's. I've only made small modifications to it over the years. It's a favorite.

And I picked up a fun habit from Nigella when cooking; always fix a nice cocktail, or in this case, a fancy latte, to enjoy while working.

Friday, May 18

19 Weeks

I've started planning the nursery. I'm pretty sure we're going with a vibrant pink and gray color combination. My inspiration for this look comes from here and here. But before I finalize paint I think I should find crib bedding. Then I can match up the paint to the fabric. Sounds like a good idea anyway.

I love this bedding set, but not sure I want to spend that much money on it. I'm debating pulling out my sewing machine and dusting off the cobwebs. But since I haven't sewed in too-many-years-to-count I'm not sure bedding is the place to start.

This week marks the anatomy scan. We both got a clean bill of health. She is growing perfectly.
How far along?  19 weeks  

Tuesday, May 15

Kentucky Derby Party

Whoa! We had a great "First Annual" Derby Party this year. We polished our silver, bought some roses, and even had a few trophies to help us decorate. I always have a problem with everyone bunching up in one smaller room (kitchen) during our parties. To alleviate that we tried to set up little stations throughout the house. It worked pretty well. 

On the kitchen table which we pushed up against the wall to provide more walking space was the Mint Julep Bar. We had several different Kentucky Bourbons to choose between and taste test. I think it turned out quite nice. In the squeeze bottle is a minty simple syrup. Putting it in the squeeze bottle helped with people spilling. (Note for next year: Buy extra ice. By end of night very few people were drinking mint juleps still, but we still ran out of regular ice for mixed drinks) 

Monday, May 14

18 Weeks

I saw this on another site and thought it was cute. Even though I've missed quite a few weeks, I'm starting it now. 

How far along? 18 weeks
Total Weight Gained? 5 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Not yet. I work from home so I'm getting by with a daily uniform of yoga pants and a t-shirt. I'll probably head to the store soon. Aside from the yoga pants only one other pair fits me. I've tried the belly band, but it's not too helpful. 
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Pretty good with a bathroom break mid-way through the night. Some nights I get up and sleep on the sofa at that point. I'm still getting used to sleeping on my left side.

Tuesday, April 24

Jalapeno, Ginger & Green Onion Crusted Pork Loin with Mashed Sweet Potatoes

The husband fixed this amazing dinner for us the other night. It truly was a master piece. The Pork Tenderloin recipe comes from Bobby Flay's Grilling For Life cookbook. And for once we pretty much followed the recipe word for word. - This is a rarity for him.

Thursday, April 19

Strawberry Lemonade Muffins

My favorite season of the year is Strawberry Season. And every time I go to the market I can't help myself but buy too many. Today marks week 3 of od'ing on strawberries. I've started to slow down in my constant consumption. It's time to start getting creative with them before they go bad. To that end I found several great strawberry recipes in this month's issue of Southern Living magazine.

This recipe uses only a few ingredients and marks my first time using self-rising flour. The whole thing came together quickly and was a success. It's definitely a recipe to tuck away to use again.

Wednesday, April 18

Kitchen Sink Make-Over

So I did it! Ok, not really me, but I can take credit as the instigator or project manager. You know that list that everyone has, at least I do, of small home improvement projects that you want to accomplish throughout the year to spruce up your house a bit? Mines not super long. 

Number one on my list is changing the brassy doorknobs and hinges throughout the house. This ones a big job. And I'm not sure yet how to tackle the hinges. Can I just paint them? Or do I have to replace them which will be quite a big job? Or can I leave them all ugly brassy? 

Monday, February 13

Top 10 Must Dos in Hong Kong

I lived in Shanghai, China for a few years. That in itself was a miraculous time. I'm sure that more than  a few of my reflections will appear in this blog from time to time. But I must kick it all off with Hong Kong. 

Hong Kong always seemed to have the right mix of Western & Eastern influences. It seemed more glamorous and sophisticated than Shanghai. Probably because it was the most accessible nearby semi-Western escape from too many day to day "China moments." 

Here are my Top Hong Kong Experiences 
Victoria Harbour during Light Show  - Photo by S.Sherrill

1. Victoria Peak – This peak is on every tourists list -but that's because it really is great. It is easily accessible via the Peak Tram (located only a short walk from a metro station). Once at the top enjoy the spectacular 360-degree views of the entire island. Relax with a full meal or just drinks and snacks at one of several restaurants offering great-seated views. Be sure to buy the observatory ticket at the very top for the best 360-degree views.